This man helped save six children, is now getting harassed for it:

There is a potential cost to helping others, but this is one we don't typically consider. 

Any thoughts?

Submitted by Dr. Beechler on 1/18/13.

1/24/2013 02:42:08 am

Honestly, I don't pay conspiracies that much attention. It seems like with every tragic event, people try to blame the government and say they're the culprit. I know people have many blogs online and videos on youtube and other video uploading sites, giving their reasons for accusing the government, but I just don't buy it. As for Gene Rosen, I think its awful that he's receiving calls and emails accusing him of being involved in the so called government cover up. He did what any other citizen I hope would do if some kids and a bus driver showed up at their door in need of help. He didnt do anything wrong. Its crazy to think that harassment is the result of helping those in need. Its unfortunate.

2/4/2013 11:22:00 am

I agree with Cody. I had heard of the tragedy but I hadn't heard about this poor man. Don't people have anything better to do than harass someone for doing a good deed? Seriously. If I were in this situation I think those voicing their opinions about the "conspiracy" would get a huge" F-you!" from me. I'm pretty sure the murder of American children via a mentally ill person is not high on the list of covert government missions. The harassment of good people for doing the right thing is the reason people don't help when they should. Do they have no shame?


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    Dr. Michelle Beechler has her Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology from Wayne State University.  For her doctoral dissertation, she studied prosocial behavior using an integrative psychological approach, which is the inspiration for her Prosocial Behavior class. Dr. Beechler will also invite student guests to write blogs, and encourages all students to read, enjoy, and comment!


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